Home » Video — Sprinkler Man Building Trespasser Escorted by Police

Video — Sprinkler Man Building Trespasser Escorted by Police

Posted by Rick Charney on Jul 24, 2015

Watch: Stealth Monitoring operators observe an individual loitering utilizing the sprinkler system to bathe. The police are dispatched after the building trespasser ignored the audible warning that was activated. After communicating with the man, the police escort him off the property.


Stealth Monitoring doesn’t wait for crime to happen. Our proactive live video surveillance can watch your perimeter and assets. When our trained operators see suspicious activity they can activate speakers and when necessary contact the local police. Stealth was featured in NBC DFW News in helping prevent an ATM theft. Stealth trained monitors activated a speaker warning. The thieves heard the warning and abandoned their effort to free the ATM. They immediately flee both on foot and in the truck.

Stealth Monitoring proactive live surveillance can detect and deter crime from trespassing as in this video to offenses like vandalism, theft, and assault. Stealth provides clients greater security while reducing security guard and other expenses. A Stealth operator can see unusual activity such as from an building trespasser and activate an audible warning to deter any further sprinkler bathing, and call the local police.

Stealth Monitoring was founded in 2006 to provide world-class surveillance services and technology. Stealth specializes in proactive and intelligent video monitoring that can significantly improve threat detection and police response. Clients include shopping centers, warehouses, office buildings, industrial facilities, apartments, auto dealerships, schools and other businesses with outdoor assets. Stealth is a leader in live video monitoring for the commercial security industry with over 9,500 watched digital cameras nationwide.

Please contact Stealth today for more information to protect your office, warehouse, or other commercial property. Visit our web site to see actual videos of criminals being apprehended from office building trespassers to other businesses.