Home » Arrest of Construction Site Trespasser

Arrest of Construction Site Trespasser

Posted by Blake Mitchell on Jan 8, 2019

Not only can trespassing on a construction site lead to more
serious crimes, it can be extremely dangerous

In this video, an individual was spotted trespassing on an
Edmonton, Ontario construction site. Our trained Stealth Monitoring operator
activated the on-site talk-down warning, but the suspect did not leave. Our
operator then contacted the Edmonton police. Officers arrived, found the trespasser
and made an arrest.

Construction sites are tempting places for trespassers.
Whether they are thrill seekers or come to steal tools or equipment, intruders
can cause serious problems. In some cases, construction companies can be liable
if a trespasser gets injured on their property.

Live video monitoring is a proactive solution that can deter
unwanted visitors, as well as decrease theft and liability issues while
protecting company equipment and assets.

Are you interested in getting a quote for your property? Contact us today.