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Brazen Thieves Attempt to Steal Construction Materials

Posted by Arun Mankotia on Aug 11, 2022

Because construction sites contain very valuable equipment, materials and tools, security is a crucial issue. Probably even more so now as prices for building materials continue to surge.

In this video, two people approached the fence line of a construction site well after hours. One of the individuals entered the site and proceeded towards the camera pole with a piece of lumber. He attempted to move the camera in a different direction.

The subject then approached the c-can and used a grinder to break into it. Shortly after, the trespasser removed several pieces of materials, stored them out of camera view and eventually exited the site where the other suspect remained.

While this activity was taking place, one of our trained security operators had called to dispatch police, giving them the last known location of the intruders. Police officers arrived, searched the site, and intercepted the suspects, placing under arrest.

Get Proactive with Your Construction Site Security

Inflation, supply chain issues and a labor shortage have created the perfect storm for construction companies. Rising materials prices are making their jobsites a target for thieves looking to make a quick buck. When things go missing from a site, it puts timelines, budgets and reputations in jeopardy.

Remote video monitoring can help safeguard your valuable assets before they go missing. Using a combination of technology and human intelligence, remote video monitoring can help deter crime before it happens. Trained security operators monitor analytics-based cameras to watch for suspicious activity, then take immediate action to help stop it.

In the video above, our security professional acted as soon as the trespassers were on the site, performing nefarious acts. This video verification was all police needed to quickly dispatch officers to the site. As a result, they arrived, as they often do, while the suspects were still there. Thus, minimizing loss and damage and saving the construction company from an unfortunate loss.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help deter crime, mitigate liability and save on your security expenses, contact us.