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No Trespassing Signs Mean Nothing to Determined Intruders

Posted by Hugh Wong on Nov 16, 2020

In this month’s video, two people blew right past the “No Trespassing” sign on the fence surrounding a construction site. The sign didn’t stop them, but we did.

A trained Stealth security operator was alerted to two suspects entering a construction site around 9:30 one night. Our operator activated the on-site speaker warning immediately. The trespassers ignored the warning, so the operator contacted police.

The intruders could then be seen inside a building on the site. One of the individuals exited the structure, walked outside the fence and ambled along the sidewalk. Officers arrived and intercepted that suspect on the street. The other individual was located within the site. Both trespassers were placed under arrest.

How Effective Are No Trespassing Signs?

Entering a property that is clearly marked with a “No Trespassing” sign, constitutes a crime. The signs are indeed helpful to keep out unwanted visitors, whether it’s curious kids looking for some fun or more nefarious individuals who want to steal valuable equipment. Either way, trespassers on a construction site can be detrimental.

Remote Video Monitoring – A Proactive Deterrent

At Stealth Monitoring, we help construction companies implement more proactive and cost-effective security solutions, for up to 60% less than traditional guard services. Our remote video monitoring solution uses a combination of trained security operators, advanced technology and surveillance cameras to give us a clear picture of everything that is happening on your project. This allows us to help deter criminal activity like vandalism, theft and damage.

Unlike traditional guard systems that are limited to seeing only what is available in front of them, video monitoring fully enables operators to view multiple key areas of a construction site at the same time and they cannot be intimidated.

in addition to reducing crime, our solution also includes video review and analysis. Our team of analysts will search through hours of footage and data so you can respond to investigation and insurance requests more efficiently. They can also track contractors’ hours and verify deliveries.

For more information about remote video monitoring for your next project, contact us.