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Damage and Theft in Mail Room

Posted by Brandon Koepnick on Aug 18, 2020

A Stealth security operator identified an individual who forced open the mail center door of a San Francisco apartment building. Our operator contacted police immediately. The suspect walked over to the vending machine, shattered the glass and removed several items. He then picked up a few packages that were sitting by the door and exited the building.

A monitoring center supervisor called the SFPD back to give them detailed information about the suspect, including the fact he was not wearing gloves and had dropped a screwdriver on the floor.

Later, police called back to our monitoring center stating they had an individual in custody and were requesting screenshots and video footage of the suspect we saw. It was confirmed the person they arrested was the same one from our footage.

The Importance of Mailroom Security

Online shopping is a booming industry and it isn’t slowing down. In 2014, total e-commerce sales reached $1.3 trillion. That number has tripled to $4.2 trillion in 2020. With more people shopping online, the increase in package delivery has created more challenges for property managers. Among them are package management and package theft.

More packages can put a lot of stress on your mailroom and your staff. Additionally, if packages are sitting idle, they become very attractive to thieves.

Strong Police Relationships

Live video monitoring is a cost-effective security solution to help safeguard your common areas, including parking facilities, lobbies, fitness centers and mail rooms. Trained security operators monitor analytics-based cameras to watch for suspicious activity. If they see something, they can respond immediately.

Stealth works closely with local police departments to help create safer communities. Our monitoring operators dial police directly so as not to tie up critical 911 operators.

When police receive a call from Stealth they know we’re watching an incident in progress and it’s not a false alarm. So. they can respond quickly and with the force and number of officers needed.

Additionally, our operators can stay on the phone to provide officers with real-time information, including the number of suspects, their description, make and model of any vehicles, as well as whether there are weapons involved.

Our security experts can help customize a cost-effective solution for your multifamily community. For more information about live video monitoring, contact us.