Home » Audible Alarm Spooks Office Building Dumpster Diver

Audible Alarm Spooks Office Building Dumpster Diver

Posted by Elianna Rosen on Sep 7, 2022

When individuals loiter in or around your office complex, business tenants can be put on high alert. Whether their concern is for their own safety or that the activity may make their clientele uncomfortable or unsafe, they may choose to move their business to another location. Fortunately, there are ways to help deter loitering, trespassing, and other security concerns. 

In the above video, an individual was observed accessing the dumpster behind the building of an office complex. Whatever their intentions were, when an attentive Stealth Monitoring trained security professional spotted them, they immediately activated the audible alarms.  

As a result, the individual was deterred from continuing their dumpster diving, and left the area. In this instance, local law enforcement was not contacted, as their presence wasn’t required. The first line of defense, the audible alarms, was enough of a deterrent to encourage the individual to find somewhere else to rummage.  

Help Cut Risks and Liability at Your Property with Proactive Measures 

All kinds of loitering around your property present a risk. Perceived public spaces, like office buildings and other commercial properties, may draw individuals with nefarious intentions, particularly at night when there appears to be no one watching. 

Live video monitoring takes a proactive approach to security issues like loiterers, trespassers, vandals, and other criminals. Trained security professionals monitor live video surveillance camera feeds and watch for any suspicious activity. 

Just as in the video above, when they spot anything going on that looks unusual, they can activate the speakers and attempt to disperse any unwanted activity. If the individuals seen on camera remain unmoved by the audible alarms, they can take the next step and contact local law enforcement to report a crime in progress.  

Best of all, live video surveillance allows for a variety of angles and places throughout a property to be monitored, covering a significant amount of ground with lower costs than overnight or weekend security guards. While a guard can only be in one place at a time, remote monitoring has access to a bigger picture, and can often spot thieves and vandals before damages can occur.  

If you’re interested in learning more about how live video monitoring can help cut risks and liability at your commercial property, contact us.