Live automobile security camera video led to police being called to make on-site criminal arrests in El Paso, TX. The suspects were involved in previous car burglaries and theft at other dealerships. Stealth Monitoring proactive live surveillance enabled Stealth to call police to report a crime in progress. The criminals were arrested at a Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Ram dealership.
The video is now hosted by Stealth. WATCH THE VIDEO: Car Dealer Security Catches Hide and Seek Thieves.
A Stealth Monitoring operator watching a client automobile security camera saw trespassers enter a dealership. The two masked suspects, including one with a sledgehammer, were on the property after hours. Stealth called the El Paso Police department to inform them about a burglary in progress.
According to the El Paso Times news report, when the police arrived they saw a Dodge Durango parked on the side of the dealership. They saw a sledgehammer and a gun inside the truck. The police searched the dealership for the criminals. A Stealth operator monitored the automobile security camera surveillance to direct the police to the suspects’ location.
The criminals saw the police and hid off the property. Stealth Monitoring alerted the police when the criminals returned to the Dodge Durango. The automobile security camera video shows the vehicle driving away from the dealership with its headlights off. The truck was stopped by the police. The suspects were arrested.
Stealth Monitoring is a security industry leader in live video surveillance with over 9,000 video cameras watched nationwide. Stealth proactive video monitoring can detect and deter crime El Paso, Texas and other cities in the U.S. while reducing security guard and other expenses. A Stealth operator can see unusual activity in real-time with automobile security camera monitoring, activate a speaker warning to deter the thieves, and call the local police.
Please contact Stealth today for more information to protect your Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Ram, or other auto brand dealership . Visit our web site to see actual videos of criminals being apprehended at car dealers as well as other commercial real estate businesses and sites.