Building copper thieves and scrap yards buying stolen copper are causing businesses and homeowners havoc in this $1 billion dollar industry. And it has been going on for years. The Electric Company reported it lost $633,000 worth of stolen copper because someone cut the copper wires. In 2014 The Texas Department of Transportation had to work overtime because someone cut the fiber optics lines at a camera site on the freeway. The cameras helped viewers with their commute and located road closures. It’s not enough to ask people to keep an eye out for your property and buildings; thieves have a systematic approach so that no one sees them – unless there’s a person from a security company standing on a building rooftop – or a live monitored video camera – where no one can see.
In Dallas Fort Worth, Texas and throughout the U.S., scrap yards are the ones profiting the big bucks, but it’s not an ethical business practice, as a lot of the stolen metals cost businesses thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars. According to the National Crime Bureau of Investigation 2013 study, copper theft in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Arlington Texas ranked in the top-five core based areas generating the most metal thefts.
Just as technology improves with better security measures, companies may avoid reporting the damages to avoid increased insurance rates. That’s why trained professionals in building copper theft prevention can outsmart thieves and catch these criminals.
Whether buildings are occupied or abandoned, they need to have a strong reputable security company in place to deter building copper theft from happening. A good security company is equipped with the latest software technology in live video monitoring and can keep you updated with any suspicious activity that occurs at your property or business.
These commercial sites and buildings are not clients of Dallas, Texas-based Stealth Monitoring. Stealth proactive live surveillance can detect and deter crime nationwide in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas and other cities in the U.S. while reducing security guard and other expenses. A Stealth operator could have seen unusual activity like building copper theft, activated an audible warning to deter the thieves, and called the local police.
Please contact Stealth today for more information to protect your industrial property. Visit our web site to see actual videos of criminals being apprehended at apartment, office, and warehouse, and industrial buildings and other types of commercial businesses in Dallas Fort Worth and other U.S. cities.