A Tampa, Florida business under construction had a CCTV monitoring service. However the video cameras did not deter a repeat thief who stole property and damaged the office building. The security system did not help capture him as of the time of an NBC news report.
According to NBC News 8, the victim was a catering company that was undergoing renovations. The thief entered the property and exited with a drill and a saw. He returned to the construction area and stole a second drill and miscellaneous items. The on-site CCTV monitoring service recorded the thief enter a third time. He exited the construction site with a drill, auger, and other tools.
The tools in the construction area belonged to hired contractors from The Netherlands. The contractors were brought to Tampa to install custom wall coverings at the office building.
The CCTV monitoring service recorded the thief’s activities at the construction site in the building. The tool thief entered the property via a small hole. He created a tunnel by punching a hole through the exterior siding, insulation, and dry wall. The thief crawled his way into the owner’s office. An NBC reporter described this activity as ‘rat-like.’ The operations manager of the catering company said that the hole did not seem big enough for the thief but he somehow managed to get through.
According to the CCTV monitoring service video, the trespassing tool thief helped himself to a slice of cake and a bottle of juice in the middle of the heist. The video cameras also recorded the exit. The thief used a chair to leave the business through the back door.
This was not the only theft at the commercial business. Metal and plywood had also been stolen from the office building. The security cameras were not working at the time of those incidents.
This catering business and the office building are not video camera or monitoring clients of Stealth Monitoring.
Stealth Monitoring is a CCTV security industry leader in live video surveillance with over 9,000 video cameras watched nationwide. Stealth proactive video surveillance can detect and deter crime in Tampa and other cities in the U.S. and Canada while reducing security guard and other expenses. Stealth’s virtual security guard service can reduce or even replace security guards at a fraction of the cost. A remote surveillance Stealth operator can see suspicious activity such as construction and building break-ins and tool thefts, activate a speaker warning to deter thieves, and call the local police.
Please contact Stealth today for more information on video cameras and a CCTV monitoring service to protect your office building or construction site. Visit our web site to see actual videos of criminals being apprehended at a range of commercial businesses, including offices, office parks, warehouses, and other industrial properties.