Learn more in the Time Warner Business Class (@TWCBusiness) podcast transcript ‘How Big Data & Fiber Can Transform your Business’ where host Michael Harris interviews Stealth President David Charney.
The podcast topics include:
- Video Monitoring Network Growth for Business
- Business Communications & Live Security Monitoring
- Security Video Performance in an Internet Age
- Commercial Surveillance Service & the Video Network
- Business Intelligence & IP Security Cameras
- Performance & Commercial Video Solutions
- Strategy & the Surveillance Video Network
Charney explained in great detail Stealth’s utilization of technology and how it led to high-quality commercial video solution.
Podcast: Listen Performance & Commercial Video Solution
Two aspects that were absolutely essential to Stealth’s operations were network reliability and redundancy. Whether it was Stealth’s providers or the client’s providers, these two factors had a huge impact on Stealth’s activities in commercial video solution.
Stealth symbolized true enterprise redundant solutions. Entire teams studied the results, both for designing and maintaining results. Occasionally outside advisers were brought in to make sure everything was utilized for optimal redundancy. This led to a positive impact in Steakth’s commercial video solution.
The internet on a client’s side wasn’t able to match the power at Stealth’s base of operations. This meant that Stealth had to have more tools to help identify and solve different issues from the client’s side. Eventually Stealth was a trusted adviser and worked with the internet service provider of the client’s area.
When Stealth first started, two different providers were used to help power 100-megabit circuits. If more internet was needed, the amount increased was based on price.
Stealth continued to grow and in 2010, they decided to change their internet growth strategy. In 2011, Stealth chose to have an intense increase in their internet bandwidth capabilities. They selected redundant fiber 500 dual, 500-megabit Internet connections. It was sufficient for a while, but the company continued to grow in commercial video solution.
Initially, it was estimated that their increase would be sufficient for the next four to five years, but Stealth exceeded that demand in two years. Their next increase included dual gigabits up- and download connections. Charney anticipated that Stealth will need to do another upgrade in the next two to three years.
About Stealth
Stealth Monitoring is a leader in proactive live surveillance with over 9,000 video cameras watched nationwide. Stealth’s commercial video solution can detect and deter crime while reducing security guard and other expenses. A Stealth operator can see unusual activity in real-time with live-security monitoring, activate a speaker warning to deter the criminals, and call the local police.
Please contact Stealth today for more information to protect business. Visit our web site to see actual videos of criminals being apprehended.