The Memphis Police Department wanted to create and maintain public safety with live video surveillance systems. Their focus was to prevent and reduce crime. The Memphis police sought to protect the some of the city’s strongest assets. The video surveillance system needed to encompass industrial areas, commercial hubs, and the port area. The Tennessee city has the fifth largest inland port in the United States.
Tennessee is home to many creatives. It only made sense that Memphis would use a creative method to reduce and deter crime.
The former technology manager for the Memphis Police Department developed live video surveillance systems to best fit the city’s safety needs. He was retired when SDM interviewed him about this process. The police felt that security cameras would best be utilized at an elevated height. It would give a wide field of view and it could zoom in on important details. Also, cameras were attached to buildings. It gave the live video monitoring department eyes on the ground. The footage captured by the video surveillance systems was taken in real time.
The live video surveillance system enabled police operators to react to live crimes. The cameras offered excellent range of motion. Some of the video security cameras were able to pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ).
The live video was recorded to a DVR. Wifi transmitted the video from camera locations to the central control site.
The Memphis Police department marveled at the benefits from live video surveillance systems. These security cameras have become a way to help fight city crime. A Memphis police sergeant talked about one example. One store was commonly broken into. Once the video surveillance system was placed in that area, there have been no incidents. The sergeant believed that live video surveillance systems really worked.
The Memphis Police Department is not a client of Stealth Monitoring
Stealth Monitoring is a security industry leader in live video surveillance systems with over 9,000 video cameras watched nationwide. Stealth proactive video monitoring can detect and deter crime in Memphis and cities in the U.S. and Canada while reducing security guard and other expenses. Stealth’s virtual security guard service can reduce or even replace security guards at a fraction of the cost. A remote surveillance Stealth operator can see suspicious activity like trespassing, break-ins, and other crime with virtual security, activate a speaker warning to deter intruders, and call the local police.
Please contact Stealth today for live video surveillance systems to protect your shopping center, warehouse, office building, or other industrial or commercial property. Visit our web site to see actual videos of criminals being apprehended at a range of commercial businesses.