Residential parking security is an ongoing concern whether your home is private or part of a multifamily residential community. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in 2021 38% of vehicles stolen were from a residence or home. Multifamily community parking facilities are especially tempting for these kinds of car thefts and break-ins thanks to the overnight access to several vehicles in close proximity.
A few minutes before 5:00 a.m., Stealth security professionals caught sight of an individual accessing multiple vehicles in the parking lot of a Pasadena multifamily residential community. The security operator immediately contacted the local police dispatch due to the nature of the activity being observed on live surveillance and provided them with the details of the attempted break-ins in progress. Officers arrived on the scene within minutes and were able to make contact with and ultimately place the suspect into custody.
Help Secure Your Multifamily Property with Proactive Security Solutions
Residents in your community want to feel that both they and their families, as well as their property and vehicles, are safe and secure where they choose to call home. Residents’ sense of security and safety is a driving factor in decision making when it comes time to choose a place to rent or when it’s time to look at renewing a lease.
Proactive security measures can have a serious impact on maximizing rental rates and minimizing vacancies in your communities. Live video monitoring is a proactive security solution that can work in real time, just as in the video above, to help deter and disperse criminal and other unwanted activity as it happens.
Using an integration of both high-tech analytics-based cameras and trained security professionals at remote monitoring locations, Stealth’s live video monitoring solution watches for more than simple movement. We watch for activity- and when we spot something or someone out of place, we can take appropriate action.
Thanks to our ability to provide real-time information to police dispatch when needed, our calls are typically elevated in priority, leading to faster police response times and the ability to locate suspects before they’ve left the area.
Interested in learning more about our customizable solutions and how they can benefit your community while saving you up to 60% on security spend? Contact us now and get the details.