Security cameras in auto dealerships help protect them from theft and vandalism, and some innovative dealers are taking their surveillance system to the next level and using cameras to improve productivity and train employees.
Having a bird’s eye view of the service department enables owners and GM’s to see how efficiently service technicians use their time. Service technicians and managers are some of the highest-paid employees at the dealership. Use our surveillance system to make sure you are getting the most for your money.
One owner told us that he witnessed three mechanics standing around for three hours looking at an old vintage car that was in the shop. The owner picked up the phone and advised the three mechanics that he had been watching them all this time. The owner went on to say that from that day on, the mechanics worked harder and were more efficient and serviced more vehicles. Salesmen can be motivated with commissions. But security cameras in auto dealerships will motivate mechanics.
Contact Stealth Monitoring to discuss how we can help protect your dealership or business from theft and vandalism and possibly experience the same results as the above dealership. Visit our web site and actual videos on criminals being apprehended.