On November 7th and 8th, Stealth Monitoring will be exhibiting (Booth #234) at the Texas Conference and Deal Making Convention in Dallas. Hosted by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), this convention will give Stealth Monitoring the opportunity to network with retailers in a wide variety of industries and share how the latest in live video monitoring technology can help protect their businesses. About 5,000 industry professionals are expected in attendance for the conference, and Stealth’s representatives hope to exchange ideas with as many experts and professionals as possible.
A shopping center’s investment in a live video monitoring service, such as that offered by Stealth Monitoring, is a significant benefit to the tenants and their customers. The enhanced security serves as a significant deterrent to product theft and property damage, often dissolving the threat before criminals even attempt to harm the businesses. Trained personnel monitor live video feeds, detecting and reducing threats often before they have a chance to escalate. Unlike tradition alarm-based systems, Stealth takes a proactive approach to surveillance. Stealth designs, installs, and proactively watches security cameras around the perimeter, back alleys, rooftops, storefronts, and parking lots.
Stealth Monitoring is dedicated to providing reliable surveillance solutions across the country, keeping property protected with proactive live video monitoring. By monitoring on-site cameras from a remote control center, Stealth Monitoring is able to activate speakers, turn on lights, and move Pan Tilt Zoom cameras to identify unwanted activity.
Having attended ICSC conventions in the past, Stealth looks forward to this valuable networking opportunity. Stealth Monitoring will be located at booth #234, looking forward to meeting any and all ICSC attendees! For more information on the conference see icsc.org.