The security industry and traditional alarms and unwatched cameras have been transformed with remote video security. Live video monitoring can not only deter and reduce crime, it also can enable police to catch and arrest criminals while they’re still on your property … before they’ve broken into buildings and stolen goods.
If you have security guards, remote video security can reduce or replace your guards. Live video monitoring can result in significant savings of up to 80% compared to the typical price of security guard salaries, uniforms, carts, and other guard-related costs.
Rick Charney, Stealth Monitoring’s Vice President of Sales, spoke about remote video security and guard replacement with SDM, the security industry magazine, in the article Look Before You Leap Into Video Monitoring.
Charney said remote video surveillance is proactive for security guard replacement. “We are looking earlier in the cycle of an event. We have labor looking at those cameras to determine the intent and nature of the situation, as opposed to waiting for technology to alarm to a central station and get labor involved in the event.”
Trained monitors are needed to watch for and follow suspicious activity on remote video security cameras. Stealth often hires operators with security experience, such as part-time police officers, retired veterans and public transportation dispatch employees. “Training is extremely important. At the end of the day we rely on the people. We met with police stations with their own dispatch centers and had them help us with our training manuals.”
Effective remote video security for guard replacement requires sophisticated operations and a strong customer focus. Charney said “We have grown our business from less than 10 employees to more than 145 focusing exclusively on the real-time video monitoring. It is not easy to immediately adapt with real-time service versus an alarm-based service.”
Stealth Monitoring is a leader in proactive live surveillance with over 9,000 video cameras watched nationwide. Real-time video monitoring can detect and deter crime while reducing security guard and other expenses. A Stealth operator can see unusual activity, activate a speaker warning to deter thieves, and call the local police.
Please contact Stealth today for more information to protect your commercial property. Visit our web site to see actual videos of criminals being apprehended at a range of businesses.