In this month’s featured video, a trespasser gets more than
he bargained for when he walked onto a construction site.
Watch the Video: Arrest of Construction Site Trespasser
Not only can trespassing on a construction site lead to more
serious crimes, it can be extremely dangerous
In this video, an individual was spotted trespassing on an
Edmonton, Ontario construction site. Our trained Stealth Monitoring operator
activated the on-site talk-down warning, but the suspect did not leave. Our
operator then contacted the Edmonton police. Officers arrived, found the
trespasser and made an arrest.
Construction sites are tempting places for trespassers.
Whether they are thrill seekers or come to steal tools or equipment, intruders
can cause serious problems. In some cases, construction companies can be liable
if a trespasser gets injured on their property.
Industry Trends for 2019
The construction
industry is typically slow to adopt new technology. That, however, may
change in 2019 due to several trends growing in popularity, including augmented
reality, robotics, drones and building information modeling.
Augmented reality gives users the opportunity to visualize
potential real-world structures with just a camera lens and advanced software. It
can help contractors plan and project their ideas even before they break
ground. Another trend for construction management to focus on in 2019 is the
use of robotics and drones. Earlier this year, a robot laid bricks at a site in
Alabama, eliminating much of the leg work and manual strain from the tedious
Some construction sites have begun to use drones in every
phase of a project. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be used to survey
an entire area in just a few minutes, inspect the progress of a project, as
well as collect data. Click here to read the full article.
How Big Data Can Revolutionize the Construction Industry
Big data describes the large amount of information flooding
companies every day, as well as the powerful computing systems needed to
process it. As technology evolves, organizations can collect, analyze and
process larger amounts of data to gain more accurate insights.
The use of big
data is particularly beneficial to construction companies, whose resources
and workloads generate high volumes of data, from plans, change orders, labor
hours and equipment operating hours, to materials, production progress and idle
times. Data can be used to streamline operations. In the past, information
would be collected, usually on paper, and filed away after the project was
completed. Today, with the advent of smartphones, GPS systems and drones,
construction companies can hold onto the data and use it to predict outcomes on
future projects. Click here to read the full article.