Home » Caught on Surveillance: Apparent Intoxicated Individual Passes Out in Apartment Community Hallway

Caught on Surveillance: Apparent Intoxicated Individual Passes Out in Apartment Community Hallway

Posted by Matthew Clark on Jan 30, 2023

Across the US and Canada, no matter the location, multifamily residential communities often face security concerns in the form of trespassing and loitering. Hand in hand with these concerns? The use of illegal substances or intoxicated individuals. Residents in your community expect to feel safe and insulated from these issues. One way to help deter and disperse unwanted activity is a proactive security solution.  


In the above video, Stealth security operators observing live surveillance feeds of a Champaign, Illinois apartment community at 10:25 p.m. spotted an individual that appeared to be intoxicated loitering in the interior hallway of one of the buildings. After a few moments, the individual laid on the floor of the hallway and appeared to pass out. The security professionals observing this behavior contacted local law enforcement who were dispatched to the scene quickly. Officers made contact with the individual and took them into custody, removing them from the building. 

Boost Your Residential Community Security with Live Video Monitoring 

The last thing your residents want to encounter when leaving their homes is someone intoxicated and splayed on the floor just outside their doorway. Intruders such as the one above may seem relatively harmless- but they still present a significant risk that would be best avoided.  

Effective security measures are a critical aspect of residential property management. Proactive security solutions, such as Stealth’s live video monitoring, can help deter and disperse unwanted and criminal activity like loitering, trespassing, vandalism, theft, and more- before significant damage or risk occurs.  

Live video monitoring uses a combination of analytics-based cameras and trained security professionals to observe your property carefully, watching for suspicious activity rather than simple movement. Just as in the example above, when our operators spot something or someone behaving in a way that looks out of place or is a cause for concern, they can follow site protocols. This can include sounding onsite audible alarms or contacting local police when warranted.  

Police typically respond quickly and can intervene before a situation escalates. This helps minimize potential dangers to residents or damages to the property, reducing liability risks as well.  

If you’re interested in learning more about how proactive security measures can help boost the safety and security of your residents while saving you up to 60% on security spend, contact us today for details or to schedule a consultation. Texas Private Security License Number: B14187.