At 2:32 am, a Stealth Monitoring security operator spotted someone breaking into and accessing the parking facilities of an apartment community.
Continue ReadingSuspicious Texas Apartment Mailbox Rummager Caught with Live Video Surveillance
Stealth security professionals spot a suspicious individual in the mailbox area of a Texas apartment community at nearly 1:15 a.m.
Continue ReadingCaught on Surveillance: Apparent Intoxicated Individual Passes Out in Apartment Community Hallway
Stealth security operators observing live surveillance feeds of a Champaign, Illinois apartment community ay 10:25 p.m. spotted an individual that appeared to be intoxicated…
Continue ReadingSan Diego Apartment Late Night Trespassers Hop Fence, Get Busted
At 2:10 a.m., two individuals were noticed by a Stealth security operator trespassing in the area of the locked parking facilities entrance at a San Diego luxury apartment…
Continue ReadingSuspects Accessing Multiple Vehicles at College Park Apartment Community Caught
An alert Stealth security professional spotted two individuals walking through the parking lot of a College Park, Georgia apartment community.
Continue ReadingMidnight Brawlers in Dallas Apartment Community Caught on Live Video
It’s just after midnight in a Dallas community when Stealth trained security operators spotted multiple individuals exiting the apartment building and spilling into the parking lot…
Continue ReadingBike Thieves Busted After Break-In
At 2:38 a.m., two men were seen by Stealth security professionals breaking into the bike storage room of a Texas multifamily residential community.
Continue ReadingIndividual with Firearm Apprehended at Mississippi Apartment Community
At 10:49 p.m. a Stealth security operator took notice of several individuals loitering in the parking facilities of a Mississippi apartment community.
Continue ReadingHow to Protect Electric Vehicle Chargers
Catalytic converter thefts aren’t the only problem affecting parking garages, lots, auto dealerships and even residential areas. Thieves have found a new target for making…
Continue ReadingMultifamily Community Prowler Tampers with Electrical Box, Gets Caught
A Stealth security operator monitoring a Seattle area multifamily community observed an individual behaving suspiciously at approximately 4:00 a.m.
Continue ReadingCalifornia Apartment Community Catches Car Lot Prowler on Camera
One of Stealth’s trained security operators took notice of an individual accessing multiple vehicles just after 4:00 in the morning in the parking facilities of a Garden Grove,…
Continue ReadingBiking Property Thief Combs Apartment Parking Garage for Open Doors
In this Arrest of the Month video, a thief looking to gain access to multiple vehicles didn’t know that Stealth operators were watching.
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