In this Arrest of the Month video, we observed a group of graffiti taggers behind a California shopping center.
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Early Morning Construction Site Breach Ends in Arrest
Materials and equipment theft, trespassing, and damage are all constant threats to construction projects. Not only could the site face losses from the stolen or damaged materials,…
Continue ReadingRemote Video Monitoring Leads Police to Construction Site Trespasser
Construction sites can be a safety and security nightmare. At any give time, there could be dozens of people coming and going, navigating around multiple hazards. After hours,…
Continue ReadingHomeless Individuals Escorted from Apartment Building by Police
Homelessness is a complex problem that can impact the safety of an apartment building and its residents. When uninvited visitors use your community to sleep, bathe or do drugs,…
Continue ReadingTrained Security Personnel Worked with Police to Capture Construction Trespassers
When trespassers access a construction site, they can undermine the valuable work that’s been done. Without an effective way to deter them, uninvited visitors could cause…
Continue ReadingFight Outside Shopping Center Ends in Arrest
Because retail centers house varying types of businesses that attract a diverse group of clientele, they can be vulnerable to a wide range of security and safety risks. From…
Continue ReadingAuto Dealership Trespasser Easily Accesses Vehicle Then Gets Arrested
While it is common for many dealerships to allow customers to browse their inventory after hours, it is not acceptable for anyone to get inside a vehicle and linger. That is…
Continue ReadingLive Video Monitoring: Deterring Scrap Yard Crimes in Progress
The scrap industry is facing big security challenges these days. Between skyrocketing catalytic converter thefts along with the rising price of metals, scrap yards are quickly…
Continue ReadingConstruction Trespasser Arrested after Wandering Around Site After-Hours
Around 3:48 a.m., a highly trained Stealth monitoring operator saw an individual roaming around an active construction site.
Continue ReadingPackage Thief Caught and Arrested in Real Time
Residents are entitled to package and mail delivery that is safe, convenient and effective. So, managing how your residents receive their parcels, packages and mail items is…
Continue ReadingDrug Users Arrested in Public Park Elevator
In this month’s Commercial Arrest of the Month video, our proactive, remote video surveillance security solution caught individuals using drugs inside a public park common-use…
Continue ReadingConstruction Materials Thief Caught and Arrested
Materials theft continues to plague construction sites. The lack of supplies and increase in prices have made materials especially desirable for thieves. In this month’s Arrest…
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