Commercial real estate owners and managers have a responsibility to ensure everyone’s safety. People should be able to park and enter your commercial real estate property…
Continue ReadingGeorgia Self Storage Facility the Site of Attempted Vehicle Break-in, Arrest
Stealth security professionals monitoring a Georgia self-storage facility observed two individuals arriving in a rental truck and attempting to access a parked vehicle on the…
Continue ReadingThe Emergence of Proptech: Revolutionizing Commercial Real Estate Through Technology
The commercial real estate industry has historically been slow to adopt new technologies, lagging behind other sectors in terms of innovation. However, with the rise of proptech…
Continue ReadingSolving Commercial Property’s Security Top 5 Pain Points
The rise in physical breaches, cyber threats, and the ever-increasing complexity of security challenges leads end users to seek comprehensive commercial security solutions that can…
Continue ReadingAttempted Burglar and Trespasser Caught on Camera at California Business
Just before 4:00 in the morning, Stealth security professionals were alerted to activity at a California business, and immediately accessed live feeds to observe.
Continue ReadingPost- Realcomm|IBcon 2023 Las Vegas: At the Intersection of Tech, Innovation, and Real Estate Operations
We had such an amazing time at Caesars Palace as they played host to the milestone 25th anniversary of this conference, which was made up of two co-located events, Realcomm and…
Continue ReadingTrespasser’s Erratic Behavior Leads to Arrest in California
At approximately 9:36 p.m., Stealth security professionals observed an individual accessing a California office building’s property.
Continue ReadingHow to Combat Crime at Self-Storage Facilities
Self-storage facilities are a popular solution for people and businesses that need extra space to store their items. However, like any other business, self-storage facilities are…
Continue ReadingLet’s Go! Connect with Stealth at Realcomm | IBcon 2023 in Las Vegas
There’s an inverse relationship between the change in levels of violent crime and change in commercial real estate values, as demonstrated in a comprehensive study conducted by…
Continue ReadingConnect with Stealth at BOMA International Annual Conference & Expo 2023 in Kansas City
The new era of commercial real estate has officially arrived, and as the industry continues to evolve in response to shifts away from traditional office culture toward smarter…
Continue ReadingMultiple Burglars Make Attempt on Maryland Office Building
At approximately 3:24 in the morning, an alert Stealth security operator observed multiple individuals breaking into a Maryland office complex building.
Continue ReadingDisaster Averted! Live Video Leads to Arrest for Fire at Self-Storage Facility
At approximately 12:00 a.m., alert Stealth Monitoring security professionals observing a Mississippi self-storage facility spotted an individual accessing what appeared to be their…
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