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Continue ReadingWhy Video Surveillance Is the Ideal Crime Deterrent
You may have heard that video surveillance deters crime and helps bring criminals to justice. Can it actually do that? Or is it a marketing ploy? Maybe the New York Times story…
Continue ReadingApartment Fence Climber Breaks into Cars
An individual scaled the fence of a Houston apartment community and made his way to the parking garage. Our security operator contacted police after seeing the suspect attempt to…
Continue ReadingThe Maryland MHA Industry Development Day is Coming and Stealth Will Be There
Is crime at your property leading to lower occupancy rates? Are you spending too much on security guards who aren’t achieving results? Are you tired of paying costly repairs due…
Continue ReadingThe Evolution of Video Surveillance
When George Orwell published the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four in 1949, who knew that it would describe video surveillance through devices like two-way telescreens or…
Continue ReadingHow to Avoid Paying the High Price of False Alarms
Have you ever had a false alarm in your office or apartment building? It’s quite a common problem. In fact, research from the Arizona State University Center for…
Continue ReadingCleaning Up Corrupt Laundry Room Activity
A Stealth security operator saw an individual wearing a dark jacket and knit cap covered with a hood enter the laundry room of an Austin apartment community on a January night.
Continue Reading5 Residential Property Management Trends You Need to Know About
As residential property management enters a new decade, it leaves many thinking about its future. How will apartments and multi-family residential evolve in the ’20s? A big…
Continue ReadingStealth Monitoring Tops Last Year’s Donation to Habitat for Humanity
Stealth Monitoring and the Greater Toronto-area (GTA) Habitat for Humanity have been enjoying a partnership since 2007. In those early days, Founder/Managing Director at Stealth,…
Continue ReadingNapping Loiterer Arrested
In this video, an individual with a pet carrier and skateboard walked into the barbecue area of a San Antonio apartment community.
Continue ReadingApartment Loiterer — So You Think You Can Dance
A suspicious individual was spotted by a Stealth security operator sliding under the entry gate of a Houston apartment community. He was then seen in the courtyard of the property…
Continue ReadingTips for Securing Your Multifamily Residential Laundry Room
In this video, two incidents of loitering in an apartment community’s laundry room lead to an arrest.
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