What impact has COVID-19 had on commercial properties? The word from REALTORS’s Commercial Real Estate Trends and Outlook is that there has been a decline in sales and…
Continue ReadingCrime Prevention
Commercial Properties Need Technology in the Time of COVID and Beyond
The fallout from COVID-19 has affected commercial properties like nothing they’ve ever encountered before. With word of a vaccine coming, the world is still a long way from…
Continue ReadingCombination of Thermal and Fixed Cameras Catch Construction Trespasser
In this video, a suspect was first detected with a thermal camera entering a construction site in the middle of the night. Seconds later, the fixed cameras picked him up as he…
Continue ReadingAttempted Car Break-ins at Multifamily Communities
This video shows four separate incidents where we saw suspects trying to access cars parked at apartments communities. In each case, Stealth was watching and contacted police.
Continue ReadingHow COVID-19 Has Changed the Construction Industry
“Construction workers are five times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than their peers in other professions, according to a new study from University of Texas at…
Continue ReadingHere’s How to Help Prevent Dealership Vandalism
In Oakland, California, a Mercedes-Benz dealership was vandalized as trespassers wrecked and spray-painted vehicles. They set at least one vehicle on fire. A Twitter video showed…
Continue ReadingHow to Go Contactless and Boost Security at Your Apartment Building
Managing apartment buildings and other multifamily housing properties has changed because of the coronavirus. Although the pandemic won’t last forever, it has permanently…
Continue ReadingWhy You Want Video Surveillance in the Cannabis Industry
Many U.S. states and Canadian provinces require cannabis businesses to include video surveillance as part of their security. Exactly what they need varies from state to state in…
Continue ReadingDumpster Diving Duo Arrested Behind Shopping Center
Two suspects, one female and one male, were dumpster diving behind a Dallas shopping center just before two o’clock in the morning. A Stealth security operator was watching and…
Continue ReadingAttempted Car Break-ins and Package Theft in Mailroom Leads to Gunpoint Arrest
Just before 3 a.m., two individuals were seen trying to access multiple vehicles in the parking garage of a California apartment community. After several unsuccessful attempts, the…
Continue ReadingNo Trespassing Signs Mean Nothing to Determined Intruders
A trained Stealth security operator was alerted to two suspects entering a construction site around 9:30 one night. Our operator activated the on-site speaker warning immediately….
Continue ReadingHow Construction Site Security Cameras Add Value Beyond Security
Construction sites face more challenges than other industries. That’s because the bulk of employees’ work can put their lives in danger. No company wants anyone to get…
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