Around 7 o’clock in the morning, a Stealth Monitoring security operator spotted a shirtless individual carrying a backpack strolling around the lot of an auto dealership
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Arrest of Trespasser Doing Drugs in Broad Daylight at a Shopping Center
At 2:45 on the afternoon of a holiday weekend, a Stealth Monitoring security operator saw a male individual next to a loaded shopping cart in front of a California retail center.
Continue Reading5 Steps to Take for Construction Safety Precautions
Before starting a construction project, supervisors need to ensure their health and safety program is in place and that everyone follows it. Safety isn’t something you only…
Continue ReadingTop 4 Considerations During Multifamily Budget Season
Multifamily budget season. Ah yes, that rather special time of year when ledgers, numbers, spreadsheets, timelines and dollar bill signs swirl around in your head as thoughts of…
Continue ReadingOffice Trespasser Tampering with Electrical Box
In the early morning hour of almost 6 o’clock, the observant eye of a trained Stealth Monitoring operator identified a suspicious individual trespassing onto the property of an…
Continue Reading5 Office Security Challenges You Need to Solve Before Reopening
Thanks to the pandemic, many employees worked from home for the first time in their lives. Now it’s like a Pandora’s Box for these companies. Once workers have…
Continue ReadingHow Can You Help Stop False Claims at Your Dealership?
Get Your Free Copy of 7 Easy Steps to Prevent False Claims at Your Dealership Now! If you own or operate an auto dealership you know how rewarding it can be. You also know that the…
Continue Reading6 Ways to Stop Keyless Car Theft at Your Dealership
The number of vehicles stolen continues to climb and it continues to burden dealerships and cause multiple nightmares for them. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau,…
Continue ReadingConstruction Trespasser Tracked by PTZ Camera Tries to Outrun Police
In this video, two people were seen approaching the perimeter fence of a Seattle construction site. The pair easily climbed over it and into the site.
Continue ReadingAttempted Theft Averted in Apartment Community’s Common Areas
A couple of individuals were observed by a keen-eyed Stealth monitoring operator around 2:30 in the morning inside an apartment community’s mailroom.
Continue ReadingThieves Scour Parking Lots for Unlocked Vehicles
The following video shows six different multifamily parking lot/garage-related incidents in which our operators played an integral role in deterring potential criminal activity.
Continue ReadingLive Video Monitoring: Effectively Deterring Costly Construction Theft and Damage
This video showcases how remote video monitoring can effectively help deter theft and damage on construction sites.
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