Toward the back of an automotive dealership lot, a Stealth Monitoring security operator tracked a suspicious individual as the individual emerged between two parked vehicles,…
Continue ReadingSecurity Resources for Automotive Dealerships
Browse our collection of resources and articles for security solutions and live video monitoring specifically for Automotive Dealerships.
What are 4 Key Automotive Dealership Theft Trends and How Can You Deter Them?
Get Your Free Copy of Four Auto Dealership Theft Trends and Their Side Effects Along with many industries, automotive dealerships have faced unprecedented challenges over the past…
Continue ReadingAuto Dealership Trespasser Caught Trying to Access Vehicles
On a recent night, after an automotive dealership had closed, a suspicious individual was seen walking in between vehicles on the lot.
Continue ReadingWhy More Companies Are Adopting Remote Video Surveillance
Technology adoption has soared to new levels since 2020. A year that forced companies to do more business online. With many office workers switching to remote working, they needed…
Continue ReadingWhat Is Crime Displacement and Why Does It Matter to Your Business?
Every city experiences it. One neighborhood would be a low-crime area for decades and then crime starts climbing. You know this happens when neighborhood stores start installing…
Continue ReadingAuto Dealership Trespassers Back Themselves into a Corner
The following video shows how trespassing and inventory vandalism can be deterred on auto dealership lots with live video monitoring.
Continue ReadingHow to Help Stop Inventory Theft with Key Management Policies
Get Your Copy of Advanced Key Management Now! At your dealership, where are your keys stored? Are they hanging on a pegboard? Do your salespeople put keys into their pocket or…
Continue ReadingShirtless Trespasser Spotted Wandering Around Auto Dealership in the Early Morning Hours
Around 7 o’clock in the morning, a Stealth Monitoring security operator spotted a shirtless individual carrying a backpack strolling around the lot of an auto dealership
Continue ReadingHow Can You Help Stop False Claims at Your Dealership?
Get Your Free Copy of 7 Easy Steps to Prevent False Claims at Your Dealership Now! If you own or operate an auto dealership you know how rewarding it can be. You also know that the…
Continue Reading6 Ways to Stop Keyless Car Theft at Your Dealership
The number of vehicles stolen continues to climb and it continues to burden dealerships and cause multiple nightmares for them. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau,…
Continue ReadingHow Live Video Monitoring Helps Auto Dealerships with After-Hour Loitering/ Trespassing
This compilation video showcases instances of loitering and trespassing and what often happens after someone lingers on a lot, resulting in questionable activities on four…
Continue ReadingSuspect Tries to Run from Police at Dealership
An experienced Stealth Monitoring security operator notices a male walking between vehicles at a dealership after hours attempting to gain access.
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