No matter what type of property you own or manage, loitering can be a big problem. Whether under the influence or not, loiterers can cause damage, leave a mess in their wake and…
Continue ReadingCrime Prevention
Awesome Apartment Amenities: The Problems and the Solutions
Multi-family residential tenants love amenities. When they shop for the ideal apartment, they compare apartment amenities. The more amenities available, the better. However, as a…
Continue ReadingAttempted Robbery at a Shopping Center – Rooftop Security
This athletic criminal clearly doesn’t need the services of the fitness center he was breaking into. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t run fast enough to outrace the police…
Continue ReadingHere Are the Best Tips for Cannabis Dispensary Security
Don’t let your business be like a cannabis dispensary that had to close due to security and other violations. Noncompliance is expensive. Add a shut-down to that and it is a…
Continue ReadingRoof Security Is More Critical Than You Think
As a property manager or owner, you often think about securing the building, common areas, storefronts, alleys and parking areas. There is one area that many overlook and it can be…
Continue ReadingLive Video Monitoring Is More Than A Crime Deterrent
In this video, our trained security operator saw water raining into the leasing office of a Maryland apartment complex during the middle of the night.
Continue ReadingWhat Can You Do About Vandalism on Commercial Property?
“The high rate of vandalism in Europe and the United States has produced negative effects such as immense financial losses, destruction of priceless art works, reduced public…
Continue ReadingConstruction Security: Trespassers Can Run, But They Can’t Hide from Stealth.
Two individuals walked into a construction site after hours when no one was around. Our trained Stealth security operator immediately activated the on-site speaker, which was…
Continue ReadingWhy You Need to Worry about Loitering
Many municipalities have laws against camping on public property. As a result, it drives people to private commercial properties. A vagrant loitering on commercial properties is…
Continue ReadingIs Your Office Security Solution as Effective as It Could Be?
Download Your Complete Guide to Securing Your Office Now. Office security is a vital part of protecting your business. While security technology continues to evolve, criminals have…
Continue ReadingYour Business Could Be Responsible for Crime
Here’s a cautionary tale that can happen to any business. Legal action forced one Dallas business to shut down. The owner and managers of that business did not commit a…
Continue ReadingThis Is What You Need to Do to Reduce Liability
Businesses may not worry about liability because they think insurance will take care of it. However, general liability insurance doesn’t always cover it. Liability can…
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