We deterred loitering an apartment complex.
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Defender Surveillance Camera Monitoring for Video Security
Defender surveillance cameras are a popular commercial video camera manufacturer. They show up 881,000 times in Google search results. Defender surveillance cameras can be a part…
Continue ReadingVideoIQ Surveillance Camera Monitoring for Video Security
VideoIQ surveillance cameras are a commercial video camera manufacturer. They show up 76,000 times in search results. VideoIQ surveillance cameras can be a part of an effective…
Continue ReadingTrespassing on an Industrial Property
Video monitoring led police to an industrial trespasser.
Continue ReadingVideo Surveillance Vital in Arrest of Copper Thieves
In Bryan County, OK, as in the rest of the United States, copper theft is not an uncommon occurrence. Incidents are reported multiple times a week, and the county’s residents and…
Continue ReadingLaw Enforcement Agencies Seek Increased Access to Surveillance Footage
Having immediate access to live video surveillance footage of in-progress crimes has proven to be an effective way to minimize damage and apprehend suspects, and police agencies…
Continue ReadingD.C. Police Pushing for Real-Time Monitoring
Since the installation of neighborhood crime cameras in 2006, Washington, D.C. police have been increasingly relying on video footage pulled from surveillance cameras as a primary…
Continue ReadingCopper Theft Deemed “Like an Epidemic” in the US
While the dangers and detriments associated with copper theft are certainly nothing new, the topic has once again made headline news for spreading “like an epidemic” throughout…
Continue ReadingCloud-Based Video Surveillance
While video monitoring providers have long been using aspects of cloud computing in their systems, surveillance industry professionals and analysts foresee an upcoming…
Continue ReadingSteady Growth Projected in Remote Monitoring Services Market
Commercial building contracts are forecast to amount to more than 80 percent of the $400 million remote monitoring services industry for intelligent buildings by 2016, according to…
Continue ReadingConvicted Burglars Comment on the Effectiveness of Alarm Systems
Further cementing the importance of having a live monitored surveillance system, a survey funded by the Alarm Industry Research and Educational Foundation (AIREF) revealed that…
Continue ReadingThreat of Copper Theft as High as Ever
photo by Bart Everson (Editor B) | Flickr.com According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), copper theft has accounted for a staggering 96 percent of…
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