When you think of vehicle robberies, flashy scenes from action films or Grand Theft Auto quickly come to mind, but the reality is much less entertaining to watch, as a car…
Continue ReadingSecurity Resources for Automotive Dealerships
Browse our collection of resources and articles for security solutions and live video monitoring specifically for Automotive Dealerships.
Video Cameras Alone Do Not Prevent Theft
If no one is monitoring your surveillance system, your camera might as well be a piece of furniture. There is a dealership in Corpus Christi that lost 5 cars to thieves last New…
Continue ReadingSecurity Cameras in Auto Dealerships
Security cameras in auto dealerships help protect them from theft and vandalism, and some innovative dealers are taking their surveillance system to the next level and using…
Continue ReadingVideo — 3 Masked Men Arrested at Car Dealership
Catch of the Month – 3 Masked Men Arrested at Car Dealership Watch at: Catch of the Month At 2:23 AM three men are spotted suspiciously walking through a car dealership…
Continue ReadingThree Masked Men Arrested at Car Dealership
A trio of thieves thought they were home free after stealing two vehicles from this auto dealership. They were wrong as you can see in the Catch of the Month. Catch of the Month…
Continue Reading3 Masked Car Thieves Arrested at Car Dealership – Security
Three masked thieves attempted to break into an auto dealer service area.
Continue ReadingEight Car Thefts in Cleveland
Video cameras, as described in an article on cleveland.com in February, 2015, helped solve car thefts at the Bedford Automile, which consists of about 12 separate dealerships…
Continue ReadingPolice Warning: Catalytic Converter Thefts
Along with approaching warmer seasonal weather comes the likelihood of more criminal activity. Already this month police in southern California warned the public about a recent…
Continue ReadingEmployee Steals Car Parts – Car Dealership Security
Auto dealer employee stole car parts.
Continue ReadingCar dealership loses $20K in Car Break-ins
When criminals strike your car dealership, do you think offering a reward will return the loss or guarantee a happy ending? A reward for car break-ins is not crime prevention. Such…
Continue ReadingVideo Recording Alone Didn’t Stop Fake Repo Truck
Some car dealerships have cameras but only use them for video recording to secure their lots. The only traces some crooks leave behind is a movie of their crime. Such was the case…
Continue ReadingCar Dealership Suffers Huge 100+ Tire & Wheel Theft
A Chevrolet dealership was the victim of a huge wheel theft incident. Thieves managed to steal more than a hundred sets of tires and wheels from trucks in a car dealership in…
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