Closed circuit television is a technology that, when coupled with video cameras and live surveillance, has proven time and time again to reduce crime in major areas such as…
Continue ReadingThe security of your property or business is so important. Our blog posts are the place to go to learn about cutting-edge technology, practical solutions, and key insights into your industry's challenges and opportunities. Browse our growing collection to level up your knowledge and get ahead.
Real Time Monitoring for Small Towns
Many things have changed in Shelly’s small town over the years. She remembers days when she didn’t know anyone or any business in town who didn’t leave the front…
Continue ReadingUsing Visible and Hidden Live Video Cameras To Deter and Reduce Crime
Even though criminals are often thought of as being rather dim, almost all of them have learned a few key points of their “profession.” One of these points is to make…
Continue Reading4 Reasons Live Proactive Monitoring Is a Smart Investment
Proactive monitoring is an important for multifamily apartment assets. Apartment complexes are a very attractive target for today’s criminals and their victims. There’s…
Continue ReadingShopping Centers: The Effect of Video Cameras on Crime
There are multiple studies that show how visible video cameras can have a positive effect on preventing crime happening near shopping centers, pharmacies, or other commercial…
Continue ReadingHow Live Monitoring Could Have Helped Prevent a $10,000 Theft
Three and a half weeks after a $10,000 robbery that occurred in December, 2014 in Hillsboro, the police arrested a suspect. The suspect was arrested after closed circuit video…
Continue ReadingHoliday Crimes at Portland Shopping Malls
Seven of the largest malls in the Portland area were hit by over 400 crimes from November 28, 2013 to January 1, 2014 as reported by KATU, December 18, 2014. One center reported…
Continue ReadingCommercial Crime Prevention — The Rise of Proactive Live Surveillance
“A theoretical perspective suggests that cameras may work to prevent crime if two criteria are met; the offender is aware that the camera may be watching their activity, and…
Continue ReadingReal-Time Monitoring for Theft Prevention
FBI collected statistics indicate that there are about 9.3 million instances of property crime, 2.2 million burglaries, and 6.3 million larceny-thefts in the United States in a…
Continue ReadingSwann Surveillance Camera Monitoring for Video Security
Swann surveillance cameras are a popular commercial video camera manufacturer. They show up 79 times in Google search results. Swann surveillance cameras can be a part of an…
Continue ReadingRevo Surveillance Camera Monitoring for Video Security
Revo surveillance cameras are a popular commercial video camera manufacturer. They show up 184,000 times in Google search results. Revo surveillance cameras can be a part of an…
Continue ReadingLive Monitoring Is an Essential Part of Theft Prevention
While it’s true that even the simplest security precautions like alarms can help reduce break-ins, it’s also a fact that having actual live human beings behind a camera to…
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